Tuesday 17 March 2009

Paul's not too upset and I promise not to gloat!

Paul and I will get together tomorrow night for a nose-bag and a couple of beers, so the result hasn't dampened his state of mind. I hereby promise in writing that I won't bring up the subject of the mighty Bhoys turning over the evil Empire.

The time is drifting inexorably towards the end of this wee jaunt and there's still some last minute things to buy, so I went out for some retail therapy today after the meeting which was to put things right within the group (fat chance!). The rather pompous one took it upon herself to vent her spleen at lunch which fortunately I missed as I'd eaten and gone back for a shower to get rid of the dust from the journey home! I'm told it almost resulted in the sisters phoning New York and departing post haste. She did partake in their discussion over culture and tried to pick on me suggesting that marriage was unnecessary and that legislation was needed to protect men from women, i.e. "Fathers for Justice" being the yardstick.

In any event she picked on the wrong guy to have this sort of argument with as those who know me will be fully aware of the joy derived by yours truly when forced to pick sides in an argument which in reality I could have done without! Since she's not married at this time and presumably hasn't been in the past from points she's made in the past, the opinion comes from an inexperienced perspective!

Not all men are toss-pots but then I venture to suggest that women are the ones who're more sinned against than sinners when it comes to the divorce statistics in the west. This whole thing came about on the basis of arranged marriages in India and do they work or not? Well since divorce is a minute aspect of marriage in a population of 1.2 billion, and I really mean minute, then it seems to work for the vast majority.

Enough of the serious crap, her opinion of me and everyone else is of no consequence. As you can see it is another fallow day in the news department of the life of a temporary Delhi resident, so I'll close with "Namaste."


  1. Dad what am i going to read with my coffee when you come back.......

  2. Fe, If some of the entries are anything to go by, you could try the "National Enquirer" I believe it to be as fanciful as some of the blogs. x
