Monday, 16 March 2009

"Trouble at t'mill"

There is dissension within the camp. The new punters don't seem to want to participate in the manner which everyone else has thusfar. The planned topics for discussion, the participation in the cultural events has obviously left them cold, especially the two "Paddies" from Dublin. They go to extraordinary lengths and porky pies to avoid participation, as an example they said they were going to Darjeeling over the "Holi" period, but in reality went to a hotel in Delhi. This afternoon they were supposed to participate in a discussion relating to culture in India and their understanding of it so far. The result was that only one turned up and despite the excuse of feeling sick and having a migraine, one of the Irish girls was in town shopping with her sister. Such a cure should be patented. The end result is that we all have to be at the revised meeting tomorrow and that includes those of us who've already done this! There is a definite rift developing and that can only bode ill for the balance of this week when some of this group piss off! The truth is it probably can't come quick enough for the majority as the latter group have been frankly a bunch who've done nothing to enhance the rapport which to a large extent has been the hall-mark of the sojourn. There have been odd ones who were possibly a pork-pie short of a picnic, but for the most part it has been cool with flexibility on individuals part to accommodate each other.

I know it is difficult to pull diverse characters from across the globe and put them into this sort of circumstances, and events of the last wee while have brought that into sharp focus!

Other than that, the hospice was fine today and the Bhoys won the league cup against the Dark Empire from Govan so I'm over the moon and fear that my meeting with Paul Lapsley (an old friend from KBR who's a blue-nose) may not now take place if he's in the huff !! Rumour has it that the loss of the league cup may be the least of the problems in the West of Glasgow.

Namaste from a Happy Tim in Delhi.

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