Tuesday, 10 March 2009

All quiet on the "Western Front"

The home-base internet has crashed and is pretty much dead as a dodo! Never mind, there isn't really any news since Saturday. The weekend was quiet as was Monday at work. It is now fairly routine with the hospice, I have set tasks as soon as I get in and need to knuckle down as the guys have all been up and at it since 5 a.m. The routine of squee-geeing the disinfectant, sluicing down and the hanging of their blankets out on the roof to dry takes up the first couple of hours and then I get a cup of "Masala Chai" which is terribly sweet and spicy. Up on the roof this morning there was a minor surprise when a troop of monkeys came over the left wall of the site and rampaged through the vegetable plot with the leader being pretty large, funnily enough, they were all terrified by my whistle and since I seem to be the only one in the hospice who can actually whistle I'm hardly going to stand and watch the furry yobs! The noise drove them over the wall on the right side and they disappeared into the big posh house with the ostentatious style of garden furniture.

Little Sagar was taken out to the hospital this morning in a rickshaw, I pray he's okay as his smile is infectious and everyone really likes him. Another minor fracas with a couple of the patients ended up with one of them weilding a folding metal chair at one of them and then throwing it at another. I can't say he started it so concentrate on calming things down successfully. The barber who comes once a month to give them a proper shave, came this morning with his assistant and set to work while we were serving lunch. He asked me if I wanted one too so I had to agree, but he did change the blade and his assistant was pretty adept with a razor for someone so young (approx 16yrs old), so to let the guys know that if they are to accept me in every aspect, I submitted to the shave. Probably a bit more risky than the shave I have in the street with leprosy being one of the principal illnesses, but hey hoh, in for a penny in for a pound.

Tomorrow is "Holi" a national holiday in India where everyone gets covered in what I hope is water based paint and in all sorts of colours. Trouble is now I don't have any really old clothes and neither can I apply the recommended coconut oil to my skin in this heat as I'll fry. The newer arrivals have all pissed off to various parts for the holiday which lasts for two days, but the schools may have closed but the hospice goes on 24/7 so I'll be back at it on Thursday, though Wednesday is of necessity a non-working day as there is no transport.

Namaste from Delhi.

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