Saturday, 14 November 2015

This evil savagery is not Islam nor is it Islamic!

The atrocity perpetrated in Paris yesterday, is just an act of utter barbarism and the illogical actions of deranged madmen.

ISIS have now claimed responsibility for the mindless criminal acts in the centre of Paris, and I suppose it was to be expected, as this organisation has truly "lost the plot" so far as their actions are concerned.

They have deliberately set out to sicken the civilised (?) world into reacting against them, such that they can then propagandise their battle as a war against Imperialist Crusaders! 

Moderate Islam has to overcome their internal strife between Shia and Sunni versions of Islam and the west has to stop interfering and assuming that all Arabs want a form of Islam that dovetails with Western Democracy (or what the West laughingly calls Democracy)

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