Sunday, 23 August 2009

Salad days for a carnivore!!

The irony of having "Salad days" when the reality is I'm as much a carnivore as the meat eaters of the animal kingdom is not lost on me! I detest all things green as being tasteless, sans texture and pretty much a waste of mastication. Of course green is my favourite colour but that is more on the basis of my Irish ancestry and my love for a football team that play in hoops in Glasgow (that dear green place). There is some misplaced pride in being the archetypal West of Scotland man, if God had meant me to eat vegetables, I'd have been born a rabbit and not been given incisors. Give me pies, meat and anything sweet!!

Back to the point of the salad days; I intimated in the last post that I'd joined the ranks of the wage slaves after a period of being another statistic on the British list of shame, the number of people who were out of work and actively (?) seeking employment. I have just completed my first two weeks of satisfying work with a decent return in terms of money for my efforts, the signs for the future are good and I'm really enjoying the challenge of changing from carbon energy to renewable energy. The work is mentally stimulating, infinitely more challenging than I'd been used to under corporately controlled, procedurally hog-tied, top of the food chain, oil industry. More to the point I've saved them more money in that first fortnight than I'll be paid for the next 6 months using my experience and they are a really good young company to work for!

Ally that to the salve for my conscience, of being in renewable energy as opposed to the scrabble to get sticky hands on a finite resource (oil) and you'll appreciate my contentment.

Life's been a bit of a "sticky wicket" since my return from the sub-continent, and the resultant "bouncers and yorkers" from life's bowlers had me worried for a bit. No more though, as I'm happy in the knowledge that with a bit of luck and a fair wind in my sails I'll manage to navigate my way back to Delhi in 2010, but probably only for a fortnight's holiday time. This will get me back to see all my guys in Mother Teresa's (and of course Sister Maria and the residents in Merhauli Road).

I'd a very interesting e-mail from the US the other day, it came from a lady who's preparing to go to Delhi for a similar period (2 months) and in 2010. Like me she doesn't have a teaching background and we're both probably about the same age group since she's retired. CCS have me down as an "alumni" whatever one of those is! I assume it to be like a former pupil, anyway they had prompted her to e-mail me for my thoughts. I'm delighted to have been able to re-affirm her thoughts about India and let her know that if she metaphorically immerses herself in the Ganges with India, then India will envelop her with warmth and love in return. Good luck Suzan!

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