Sunday, 1 February 2009

More veggie stuff

Now we've all gathered finally and I almost slept in this morning only being wakened by what I thought was an air raid siren. It turns out to be the start operation at a factory close by! We're taken out to lunch in a restaurant after the morning spent discussing what we want to get out of the experience, and a wee introduction by everyone to the group. The restaurant is first class and even I enjoyed the vegetarian meal (again). For a carnivore like me this is disconcerting, but the veggie stuff here isn't what I'd have classed as veggie and is delicious.

After some early afternoon paperwork to finally finish the admin side of things and be given our i.d. cards I have enough free time to get myself a #cut-throat# razor shave and head massage for a hundred rupees. What a bargain as there is nearly 70rps to the pound. My face feels like a baby's backside, which is an improvement as most people think it looks like a backside anyway.

Tomorrow I go the the learning centre where the work of grooming teenagers begins, but before anyone gets the wrong idea, this is not internet grooming! I tried to explain that to Bela this morning, as grooming now in the internet era has an entirely different meaning. Mentoring would be a better term, so Celtic can expect to inrease their fan base. The weather is just perfect and with the temperature circa 76f it is better than summer in Abz.

1 comment:

  1. it is mildly disconcerting to think my father is grooming teenagers in delhi...

    what's involved in the mentoring?
